Internships & 

Work Experience


Organisations looking to hire interns please complete this form.

What are internships? 

The position of a student or trainee who works in an organization, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification.

Why might I want to do an internship?

Internships are not solely about accumulating work experience but also about self-exploration and personal growth. It gives you a taste of working life and helps you explore different industries, roles, and work environments. You get the chance to observe the day-to-day life of colleagues and ask questions.  They also offer an opportunity to discover personal strengths, interests, and career aspirations. 

How can I find an internship?

I have already found an internship. Do you have any tips? 

Refer to this document for a short guide on workplace etiquette and how to get the most out of your experience.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Internship_HCI ECG

Resume & Interview Tips 

Alternative Ways to Learn about Work

Even though internships are recommended, as a JC student, it can be challenging to find time for internships during the school year and with NS looming (for the NSMen). However, spending intentional time to explore is crucial as it can help you generate deeper insights into a profession. 

You can build your inventory of career information via the following ways: 

TAG Programme

About the Talent Attachment & Grooming Programme (TAG) 

The Talent Attachment and Grooming (TAG) Programme is a work attachment programme co-organised by the HCI Education and Career Guidance (ECG) Unit and partner organisations.


TAG seeks to match JC1 and JC2 students with executives from various corporations across industries. Student participants will have a chance to experience the world of work through a one-week or two-week stint, and in the process, develop personal competencies and reflect on their future career pathways. These are done through the mentorship of industry partners, and guidance from HCI staff.

Put simply, student participants will:

To date, we have worked with organisations in sectors including, but not limited to Architecture, Engineering, Entertainment, Healthcare, Heritage, Legal, Retail and Tech Start-Ups. The ECG Unit and student participants are immensely grateful for the organisations’ tutelage and contribution to education.

Program Details

For more information on the TAG Programme, please contact Mr Kwek Wei Hong ( or Mrs June Ng (